From this side of the mountains,
Where none can see me,
I look down upon the valley of people below
Bathed in moonlight.
Laila was right...
Even though this mountain abounds in Love,
It is prickly, thorny, rough
A place fit only for a Sufi.
Heer tells me...
It is here that Love is transcendental,
Including and beyond this cosmos.
Still it keeps Expanding, Engulfing - Ascending.
In moments of vulnerability, however,
Love wants to descend
Into the valley below.
Where love wants an exchange.
How selfish is it! It wants a transaction?
Is this why devotion wants rituals?
Why there is a thin line between deity and GOD?
Can Raanjhad ever truly be a Sufi? Or a Kaafir?
Yet I know-
Here, 'I' has lost all its meaning, and so has 'You'.
They are One and the Same.
The world below is a Tamasha of sense,
Nay, a Tamasha of 'senses'.
Here, in this safe mountains, societal reigns come to a naught,
Here, I am descending into Madness,
And yet, here I feel the DIVINE!
-Dishna Phukan